Monday, August 25, 2008

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As the summer comes to a close we prepare for a new season. Kaci just finished up her ballet lessons with a debut dancing performance on the stage at the state fair. No stage fright for her, I don't even know that she noticed there was an audience watching. She seemed more interested in the stage backdrop, and very focused on teacher Sue. Kaci, has just begun preschool and is loving it. Not a moment too soon as she full of questions and energy, so what better way to corral that inquisitiveness. She is attending an in home Montessori school close to mom's work. This year she will be going 2 full days a week, and is lucky to be attending with her cousin Kelsey. That way my sister in law and I can help one another with carpooling too, bonus! Megan, our youngest, has just begun to take her first steps, which means we too are "on the go." She is our adventurous one, so she dares to go where sister never dreamed of. So we're having to retool our monitoring system. She loves stairs, stools, and chairs, because they all lead to higher place, which seems to be where she always wants to go! She is staying with Miss Trudy on days that I work, so I feel very lucky that Megan gets the same TLC that Kaci got as a infant and toddler while I was working.
7:07:00 PM
by Tfamof4
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1 comment:

BurchCo said...

OK, I'm officially watching and reading. Get busy! Can't wait to keep up with the Thornton Buzz!